Transition to Reception Class
Starting School
This is the start of a whole new journey.
We aim to make it a very smooth and happy transition.
Parents and teachers working together.
Welcome to Our Reception Class
Your child will be in a class with two members of staff.
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Mrs. Harvey Teacher |
Mrs. Sconce Teaching Assistant |
We hope will help answer any questions you may have about your child’s first year at school. However, if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Harvey or Mrs. Sconce.
The health, safety and well-being of the children at Guilden Sutton are of paramount importance to all the adults who work in our school. Our children have the right to be safe in school and this right of protection is regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. We recognise the contribution that we as adults make to protect our children, supporting them in school and helping them make the right decisions in different situations. Every member of staff has a key role in safeguarding, and will endeavor to provide an environment where children are valued and know that their concerns will be taken seriously. Safeguarding procedures and associated policies are available from the school office on request or on our website at
The school Safeguarding Team is;
Safeguarding Lead Teacher: |
Mrs. T. Rainford: |
Headteacher |
Safeguarding Deputy Teacher: |
Mrs. C. Cawley Mr. D. May |
Assistant Headteachers |
Safeguarding Governors: |
Mrs. Sheena Bayton Mr. Anthony Parker |
We, as practitioners in early years, create a setting which is welcoming, safe and stimulating, where children are able to grow in confidence and to fulfil their potential. The sorts of things that knock confidence when starting school are often quite simple, so it is helpful if your child has had some practise before they start school. The following list gives some idea of the day to day tasks they could try to achieve before starting school:
- put on, take off and fasten shoes.
- manage a top coat alone.
- take off, put on socks and tights.
- take jumpers on and off.
- fasten buttons and zips.
- put trousers etc. on the right way round.
- wash and dry hands.
- use and flush the toilet.
- tidy and clear away after themselves.
- use a knife and fork.
- use a tissue.
There is a great deal of language and problem solving involved in these activities: colours, long and short, right and left, front and back, inside and outside, top and bottom, matching. Talking about these and practising them will help your child become more independent.
To promote the independence of the children we encourage parents to say goodbye at the Reception gate as a member of staff will be there to greet them and guide them to their classroom. This has worked really well during the last academic year and we feel that it has benefitted the children greatly whilst settling into their new routines. The register is taken at the start of every morning and afternoon session. A child arriving after the register has been taken will be recorded as late.
At the end of the school day it is important that a parent/carer is waiting to greet them.
If your child is to be collected by an adult other than you, please inform us of your arrangements prior to the end of the day.
School doors open at 8.45 a.m.
School finishes at 3.10 p.m. for Reception class.
As a school, we encourage maximum attendance to ensure our pupils take full advantage of the school curriculum and gain the appropriate skills which will equip them for life. Children are expected to attend school for the full 190 days of the academic year in order to receive their educational entitlement. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less well than their peers.
It is important to ring school first thing in the morning if your child is going to be absent with an explanation and where possible an indication as to when your child is expected to return. If the school has not been informed of any absence by 9:20am, the administration staff will try to contact the family, keeping a record of steps taken.
Leave of Absence
Parents and carers requesting leave of absence for any reason other than medical must make a request in writing in advance. Leave of absence for holidays can no longer be authorised, due to changes in government legislation. All leave of absence is at the Headteacher’s discretion and will only be granted for exceptional circumstances. When leave of absence is unauthorised it may be necessary to impose a fine. For more information, see the Attendance Policy on our website.
School sweatshirts, T-shirts, cardigans, polo shirts and outdoor jackets with the school logo on are available from
Mainly red with grey.
- Trousers grey/black
- Socks grey or white
- Polo shirts white or red
- Sweatshirts red
- Shoes (no trainers) black
- Cardigans grey or red
- Polo shirts / blouses/ shirts white/red
- Knee length skirts, pinafores grey/black
- Summer dresses red and white stripes or checks
PE KIT: Black shorts and red t-shirt with school motif and pumps/trainers
OUTDOOR LEARNING: A suitable coat is essential for our outdoor space, as your child will have access to it all year round.
Please could you make sure that all of your child’s clothing is clearly named throughout the year.
Lunch Time
All Reception and Key Stage 1 children are entitled to a free school meal. Our meals are cooked on-site and come highly recommended. However, a school meal is optional and the children may bring a packed lunch or have a combination of both.
When the children stay all day, lunch will be eaten in the hall and initially with their Year 6 buddies, so that the children settle into the lunch time routine.
The children are well-supervised and the midday assistants check that they have eaten a good amount.
We ask parents to book their childs school lunch via School Spider. The menu is also available for parents to view on the the website.
Packed Lunch
If your child has packed lunch there are a few things to remember:
Make sure the children like what is in their lunchbox and preparing the lunch box together is usually a good idea if possible.
Do not over fill – children find it very daunting if there is too much to finish.
As a school we promote healthy eating, so we would ask parents to be mindful of this by not including sugary drinks or sweets.
Important: We are a NUT FREE school as we have staff and children with severe allergies.
Healthy Snack
Healthy Snack
Your child may have a snack in the morning and/or afternoon. They can bring their own fruit (fresh or dried) or an alternatively e.g rice cakes, olives, breadstickts etc. Please be nut aware.
School provides fruit for Reception Class and Key Stage 1 children in the afternoon e.g. apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes or oranges.
Water Bottles
We encourage the children to be healthy and drink plenty of water.
The water bottle should come to school with fresh water in every day (only water, not squash or flavoured water).
Please check that the water bottle is clearly named and preferably use the water bottle provided by school. Please do not put water bottles inside book bags. If they leak they can spoil precious reading books.
Government Funding
The government provides additional funding for schools, which is referred to as ‘Pupil Premium.’
If you are a parent, guardian or carer and receive one of the following:
Income Support
Income based Jobseekers Allowance
Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 29999; or
Child Tax Credit (but not working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 you may be eligible.
By applying, your child’s school may receive additional funding to support your child. Not only may they be entitled to a free school meal, but also other school activities such as music tuition, teaching support, uniform, extra curricular school clubs and educational visits.
Where to find help
You can apply by telephone or email; decisions are usually made instantly over the telephone.
Tel: 03001237039
If you think your child may be eligible, please visit CWaC website here and apply.
Book Bags
Book bags are to come to school every day as a means of communication between school and home.
Please check for letters from school.
Place letters for school or toast money in the bag but please tell your child so that they can hand it in.
Your child’s reading book and reading record can be kept in your child’s book bag.
The staff and children take many photographs throughout the year.
Sometimes these are put on the website or Facebook page so that you can see what your child has been doing. Some special events can even appear in the local paper.
If you could kindly sign the permission form as soon as possible we would be very grateful.
Please speak to Mrs. Sconce if you are unsure about signing the permission form or have any queries.
End of the day
School finishes at 3:10pm.
Children who attend GS2 club will be picked up from the classroom.
Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Sconce will see the rest of the children out. We will not let the children go until we have seen you. We will then touch your child on their head to say that they can go.
Please be patient and encourage your child to follow this routine.
Please inform Mrs. Sconce, Mrs. Harvey or Mrs. Taylor and Mrs Lloyd, in the office, of any changes to pick up arrangements.
Dear New Parents,
Please can we ask you to use the Village Hall car park when you are dropping off and picking up. By not parking in Arrowcroft Road, you will be helping to keep us all safe. Please could you pass this message on to grandparents and friends too.
A BIG Thank you!
The School Council
Sun Hats
Our British weather is very unreliable and we are never quite sure what changes may occur during the day. Please ensure a named sun hat is brought during hot spells. A high factor sun cream needs to be applied before school when necessary as we cannot be responsible for applying sun cream.
PE Kit
Children are to come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE days. You will be notified through School Spider their allocated days for each term.
The children will need a red school T. shirt and plain black shorts (not too long for safety). Black jogging trousers or leggings can be worn during colder spells
Suitable footwear should be worn and preferably with Velcro fastenings
Celebration Assembly
Friday afternoons are a time for the children to gather together and share their successes and achievements. The children can also bring in certificates/awards from home. Children from each class are awarded a ‘smiley face’ for something that they have done that week that has made their teachers really proud. Throughout the school year, your child will receive three smiley faces – one per term.
Collective Worship
Reverend Heather Carty leads regular collective worships on Thursday mornings.
Classes write and then lead the prayers on a rota. You will be invited accordingly. The Christian Group lead collective worship every other Tuesday.
Parent Helpers
We are hoping to welcome parents or grandparents into school to bake, hear readers, help with art and craft activities, play games etc. A letter will go home about this when the children have settled into their new school life.
Year 6 Buddies
Every child in the Reception class has a buddy from Year 6. Their buddy will be there to support, guide and help them. The children will make contact with their buddies regularly throughout the week.
The Indoor Environment
Our indoor environment provides a safe, secure and challenging space for your child. For some, the indoor environment is like a second 'home', providing a place for busy activity, work and play or rest and relaxation. It contains resources which are appropriate, well maintained and accessible for all children. Our indoor spaces are planned so that they can be used flexibly and an appropriate range of activities are provided. The indoor and outdoor environments are linked so that the children can move freely between them. The children will have opportunities to initiate their own learning and also engage in a wide variety of teacher-led activities.
The Outdoor Environment
Being outdoors has a positive impact on children's well-being and helps all aspects of children's development. It offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on a larger scale than when indoors. The outdoor environment enables children to experience varied weather conditions, seasonal changes and the natural world. Outdoor environments offer children the freedom to explore using their senses, and be physically active and exuberant.
A word of warning: this may also result in your child getting a little bit mucky at times! We apologise in advance.
Our outdoor learning area is an environment that is richly resourced with exciting play materials and open-ended flexible resources that can be adapted and used in different ways, according to the needs and interests of our children. It is a very safe, secure and attractive area for your child to develop their learning. The children are encouraged to initiate their own learning and experiment with things they have learnt.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically support children’s learning across all areas.
Playing and exploring – engagement
Finding out and exploring.
Playing with what they know.
Being willing to ‘have a go’.
Active Learning – motivation
Being involved and concentrating.
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Having their own ideas.
Making links.
Choosing ways to do things.
There are seven areas of learning and development which are identified below:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Self Regulation
Managing Self
Building Relationships
Physical Development
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Communication and Language
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Word Reading
Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World
Past and Present
People, Culture and Communities
The Natural World
Expressive Arts and design
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Guidelines for reading with your child
Reading with your child should be a special, treasured time, a time to share and enjoy. It is important that time is set aside to share books together. Enjoy them, talk about them, try different voices for different characters – make reading fun.
Please make use of the ‘Reading with Young Children’ guide. It is a good source of advice and information for you.
When your child begins to bring reading books home they will also bring a reading log. This is used as a record for home/school dialogue.
Guidelines for writing with your child
It is very important that a child holds a pencil in the correct way.
The pencil should be held in the ‘tripod’ grip between the thumb and the first two fingers. If a child’s hold starts incorrectly, it is very difficult to correct later on.
As part of your child’s education we teach phonics using Essential Letters and Sound. This programme demonstrates the correct sounds letter makes alongside the correct formation. It is very important that we pronounce all the sounds correctly and ensure correct letter formation. (We use ‘pure’ sounds when teaching phonics. Please see the video on the website for an explanation.) We would appreciate your help and support in this by practising with your child, especially the letter formation of their name. If you notice that particular letters are incorrectly formed please take the time to practise it regularly with your child.
More information on phonics is included in the reading booklet.
The letter formation guide and rhymes we use are in your child’s book bag.
Children have their own scrapbooks to use at home. They can draw and write about any exciting news they want to share. We will have regular scrapbook sessions each week for children to share their news with us and each other.
Parent Partnership
It is vital that we have a close relationship with you as parents, as well as your child. Working together we can help your child work towards reaching the Early Learning Goals.
School Website and Facebook Page
By half term your child should have their own login to the school website ( There you will be able to see the weekly newsletter and any forthcoming dates for your diary.
You will have access to the reception class web page that has a weekly blog about the things we have looked at and learnt during that week. There are also pictures, videos and mini film trailers as well as useful links, reminders, dates and who has been awarded that week’s Smiley Face.
There is also a Post-it section where you can let us know what your child has been enjoying at school. These are easy and fun to do but Mrs. Sconce is always willing to help.
We also put posts on the school Facebook page so you can keep right up to date with thing as they happen. This is great for discussion at home, especially when they say that they have done nothing!
Call in …
Parents are given the opportunity to visit their child’s classroom from 9.10 -9.30am on various dates throughout the year.
We pride ourselves on the positive relationships between staff and children which are based on mutual respect. We encourage our children to develop self-discipline and to be aware of the needs of others. Although this is a forward thinking school our Behaviour Policy is based on good old fashioned manners and respect for others!
Our School Rules
Children are taught the School Rules: (created by our children)
Always give it a go, don’t give up.
Try and see the positive in every situation.
Always greet someone with a smile.
Treat others and all property with respect.
Always listen to your teacher and friends because they will help you learn.
Be honest and always tell the truth, confess when you have done wrong.
At Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School, we are committed to providing a supportive, caring and safe environment for all of our pupils so that they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in our school and will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns, please talk to Mrs. Harvey or Mrs. Sconce.
Sex and Relationships Programme
The programme of study is based on a holistic approach that runs from Reception through to Year 6. Each year the children’s knowledge will be built upon and developed so by the end of Year 6 they are ready to deal with any issues in high school. The Sex and Relationships policy is closely linked to the personal, social and health curriculum and is based on family life and personal relationships. Staff are encouraged to answer any questions with integrity and sensitivity.
Should parents wish to withdraw their children from Sex and Relationships lessons they may do so after consultation with the headteacher.
Drugs Education
It was decided after careful consultation with governors and parents that we would introduce a drugs awareness element to our Science Curriculum. It forms only a small part of our programme, but our aim is to educate children to make their own informed decisions about the use of drugs based on a sensitive understanding of the issues involved.
As you can imagine in a busy school, from time-to-time there may be occasions when either you or your child may have concerns. All staff work very hard to ensure that each child is happy at school, and is making good progress. They also want to know if there is a problem, so that they can take action before the problem seriously affects the child’s progress. Most complaints are normally resolved informally at this stage. Where parents feel that a situation has not been resolved through contact with the class teacher, or that their concern is of a sufficiently serious nature, they can discuss it with the head teacher.
Obviously, we would hope that, working together, any problem could be satisfactorily resolved. However, the school does have a Complaints Policy which can be seen on the website, should this not be the case.
Please don’t expect too much of me,
I am learning more than you can see
Being simply here to enjoy and play
means more to me than I can say.
Please don’t fret at the end of the day
if I have nothing to display.
I really gain so much from play,
social skills and come what may,
So when I come home empty-handed
from such a busy day
“Haven’t you done anything today?”
If you ask your child “what have you been doing today?” you will probably get the answer ‘playing’ or ‘nothing!’
We update our blog and Facebook page regularly so you can see what your child has been doing in school.