Reception (EYFS)
‘And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah 6:8.
Through the teachings of Jesus, all can flourish spiritually, emotionally and academically throughout life, living out love and justice for all. Our Christian values of love, justice, compassion, wisdom, forgiveness and friendship underpin the life of the school community and impact on our daily lives. Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School strives to provide the best possible education for our children. We aim for excellence within our happy, secure school where each individual’s achievements are valued and celebrated. By using a holistic approach, we will provide a curriculum that offers a diverse and challenging environment to inspire and motivate every child in our care.
At Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School, we highly value the Early Years and believe it is crucial in providing a firm foundation for learning. We believe that in their early years of life, children develop quickly and that their experiences in these important years will have a profound impact upon their future. Because of this, we recognise the significance of delivering a curriculum that allows all children the chance to succeed and thrive, tailoring to individual needs and providing appropriate challenge. Our aim is to create a learning environment that is rich in possibilities, which enables children to flourish regardless of backgrounds, circumstances or needs. We aim to work collaboratively with parents and carers to encourage independent, enthusiastic learners who reach their full potential. It is our intent that children who enter our EYFS begin their lifelong learning journey by developing physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst also embedding a positive attitude to school and a love of learning.
We intend for children to
- recognise and take pride in, their own unique individuality and celebrate differences.
- have positive learning experiences and to engage in a curriculum that promotes a passion and curiosity for learning.
- grow spiritually andmorally in a loving Christian environment where they feel safe and secure.
- be articulate, confident communicators who use and understand high level vocabulary.
- make excellent progress as a result of broad and deep foundations across all areas of learning, developing the knowledge and skills which form the secure building blocks for their future learning.
- understand and regulatetheir behaviour, feelings and emotions and show respect for the feelings and emotions of others.
- be enthusiastic, independent, activelearners who work, play and explore in harmony with others.
- experience a sense of awe and wonder throughout their Reception year
At Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School, we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the Early Years and provides Educational Programmes for the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning.
The Framework specifies four overriding principles upon which our early year’s education is based upon.
Unique Child – Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Positive Relationships – Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling Environments – Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and carers.
Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early year’s provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.
The EYFS provision and practice is based upon observation of children’s needs, interests and stages of development. Learning and development in school are planned to reflect these interests and individual circumstances in order to provide each child with a challenging and enjoyable experience.
There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the Educational Programmes in EYFS settings. These are split into two important and interconnected sections – prime and specific:
The ‘prime’ areas of learning and development are:
Communication and language:
Physical development:
Personal, social and emotional development:
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The ‘specific’ areas of learning and development are:
Understanding the world:
Expressive arts and design:
How is the curriculum implemented?
- Curriculum planning incorporates seasonal, religious and cultural events and is designed to be flexible enough to respond to children’s interests.
- Observations and assessments are used to ensure teaching and support is targeted to each child.
- Books and stories feature strongly as catalysts for topics and activities and adults read to children daily, modelling conventions of reading and print.
- Pupils learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities and challenges.
- The curriculum is broad and balanced and sufficiently challenging in order to prepare the children for the demands of the future National Curriculum.
- Essential Letters and Sounds is used for the systematic teaching of phonics and early reading.
- Hands on learning experiences and quality enhancements are used to bring the curriculum to life.
- Constant repetition of new vocabulary, regular recall of facts and rehearsal of skills supports the children’s retention of knowledge.
- The Reception environment provides indoor and outdoor Continuous Provision areas to encourage children to independently apply the characteristics of effective learning and use their knowledge and skills in a meaningful context.
We strive to ensure that children’s progress across the EYFS is at least good and that children at the end of their Reception year reach the Early Learning Goals, exceeding National expectations. When the children transition to Year One they carry with them the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to access the National Curriculum effectively. We endeavour for our children to be Key Stage 1 ready and have our school ethos and values embedded by the time they leave Reception, preparing them for their future educational journey at Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School and beyond.
Impact is evident in:
- Happy, confident, enthusiastic learners who are keen to share their skills, knowledge and interests.
- Secure relationships and communication between staff, children, parents and carers.
- Effective listeners who display good learning behaviours and embody the Characteristics of Effective Learning.
- Pupils who enjoy coming to school and actively participate in all aspects of school life displaying a continued thirst for knowledge.