Welcome to Year 1 2024 - 2025


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Class Teacher:

Mrs Mullen

Class Teacher:

Mrs Williams

Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Harries

Teaching Assistant:

Miss Hay


Thank you for visiting our class page. On this class page you will be able to find out information about what is happening in Year 1 as well as our curriculum map, subject knowledge organisers, photographs and much more. 

Here is some more important information for you:


Reading Books

In Year 1 we change our reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We encourage the children to develop more independence in Year 1 so the children choose their own reading books from their allocated colour.

Homework and Spellings

Homework and spellings will be given out on a Friday in Year 1 and it should be returned by the following Thursday. In the children’s spelling book there will be a note informing parents of the sound/sounds we have learnt in phonics that week. The children in Year 1 do not have a spelling test but their books are an opportunity to practice the taught sounds. There are a range of ideas and activities of how to practice the sounds at home in the front of the children’s spelling books.


Our PE sessions are on a Tuesday morning. Children need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE kit.


We are continuing to give out toast in the classrooms this year. Please could the children bring in their toast money at the beginning of the week. It is 25p per day/ £1.25 for the week.

Each week, the children participate in a French lesson. To practise their skills, they can access the website 'Linguafun.eu' at home.

Click here to view our subject 'Knowledge Organisers'

If you have any further questions about Year 1 please do not hesitate to contact us by email - year1@guildensutton.cheshire.sch.uk

Files to Download

Welcome to Year 1: Calendar items

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Who Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School is in a semi-rural location at the heart of the village of Guilden Sutton, on the outskirts of Chester. The school is a lively, happy place where all are treated as individuals within a Christian family atmosphere.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school’s website, please contact the school office and we will provide this free of charge.
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Where Are We?

Guilden Sutton Church of England Primary School Arrowcroft Road
Guilden Sutton
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The School Day

Monday - Friday 8.50am - 3.20pm (32.5hrs)

School gates open at 8.45am

Let's Connect

Mrs T Rainford | Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C Lloyd | Mrs L Taylor
01244 300 353

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